An Act of War review

Is another bored thiller only that worse, it is a soldier who tries to adapt to the present after the war and only goes knowing robotic characters and overacted as he, to the top of the movie discovers that he has a trauma of letting die to A companion to justify his pathetic behavior and we concluded the killing of all the characters only to reveal that it was really hallucinations of himself, like he did not understand because everything was black and white. His brother appears at the end trying to be relevant something he did not do throughout the movie.

Screw Cupid review

It is a waste of time is your typical romantic comedya of the friend in love with his female friend and ignores him and goes out with everyone, lengthen the film unnecessarily with ridiculeces and the protagonist he is dumber to the point of having many hallucinations Where he stays with the girl. In the end the girl goes a millionaire man and the protagonist stays waiting in a bank where he has many hallucinations between these that she returns with him and the movie ends with a "we start again"

L'arnacoeur review

this film wanted to innovate with a group that specialized in separating couples and destroyed, all was well until all built in the movie was ruined when the protagonist falls in love, so wait another romantic movie that wanted to innovate

Fishing Naked review

this film tries to be fantastic comedy, with 4 people as protagonists, but as the film, you'll notice that it not there are comedy and fantasy set aside to add science and fiction, and then develops appear things very irrelevant and meaningless, all this to give an open and very bad ending

Review of a forgotten series

review, this cartoon about being an average animated series but not achieved by the stupid stories of their episodes and animation of very low quality, respect for who they like the series.